(Quite a title, huh?)
In recovering from our first trip, the jet lag has been quite noteworthy--I can not believe how long it has taken us to get back on schedule! Most definitely making plans to get more sleep on the second trip--plans including blankets and pillows from home and possibly practicing sleeping with my arms and legs in my chest for good airplane sleeping. ;)
Needless to say, in our sleep-deprived and busy-getting-ready-for-a-baby-to-come-home state of minds, cooking has fallen by the wayside. It's been a bit pathetic. But, this week I am determined to do a much better job! I went to the local "market" and bought lots of fresh blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cantaloupe and watermelon. M and T actually screamed in delight and thanked us profusely at the sight of all of that fruit.
I also made a weekly menu--including a meal or 2 to freeze (imagine that!). :) And tonight we had a first in our house--Chinese Steamed Dumplings! I even bought a steamer just to make them--another first! They were actually quite tasty, if I do say so myself. :)
Also on my agenda for the week--eliminate spiders. So, I kind-of feel like I talk about spiders a bit too much. I'm not sure if I really just see more spiders than the average person or if I'm just more aware of them. Needless to say, I take their assault on my house personally. I respect what they do, but I want them to do their job out of my space. For example, this past week I got out all of Little Girl's clothes (can't wait to be able to type her name.). They are all stored neatly in clear, nicely stacked bins in the basement. I had been wrestling with one of the bins and set it aside. I slid it just an inch and do you know what came scurrying out? Yep, a big, juicy spider! Why?! It's February! In my clean basement! On a random, top clean bin! NO! (Insert shiver.)
I've been doing some research because I would prefer to do this naturally. I am supposed to keep brush trimmed away from the outside of our house-DONE! Vacuum regularly, especially cleaning up webs-DONE! Spray essential oils--like lemon oil--around the perimeter of the spaces that I don't want spiders--That's my project for the week. My house is going to smell like one big lemon! :)
And I would love to post pictures of both the yummy dumplings and the bins (minus any spiders), but it seems that our one and only half-way operating camera is quite lost. I hear that perhaps tomorrow I might find a new one on my doorstep. :)
And if I did have a camera, I would most definitely have to post pictures from my morning. Because...This morning my sweet friends had a surprise baby shower for us--how cool is that? Thank you, friends, for all of the gifts and for being there--it means more than you know... Can't wait to start using everything! ;) Love you guys! :)
(Also, I've been working on a short "video" of this part of the journey--It will be posted tomorrow. :)
In recovering from our first trip, the jet lag has been quite noteworthy--I can not believe how long it has taken us to get back on schedule! Most definitely making plans to get more sleep on the second trip--plans including blankets and pillows from home and possibly practicing sleeping with my arms and legs in my chest for good airplane sleeping. ;)
Needless to say, in our sleep-deprived and busy-getting-ready-for-a-baby-to-come-home state of minds, cooking has fallen by the wayside. It's been a bit pathetic. But, this week I am determined to do a much better job! I went to the local "market" and bought lots of fresh blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cantaloupe and watermelon. M and T actually screamed in delight and thanked us profusely at the sight of all of that fruit.
I also made a weekly menu--including a meal or 2 to freeze (imagine that!). :) And tonight we had a first in our house--Chinese Steamed Dumplings! I even bought a steamer just to make them--another first! They were actually quite tasty, if I do say so myself. :)
Also on my agenda for the week--eliminate spiders. So, I kind-of feel like I talk about spiders a bit too much. I'm not sure if I really just see more spiders than the average person or if I'm just more aware of them. Needless to say, I take their assault on my house personally. I respect what they do, but I want them to do their job out of my space. For example, this past week I got out all of Little Girl's clothes (can't wait to be able to type her name.). They are all stored neatly in clear, nicely stacked bins in the basement. I had been wrestling with one of the bins and set it aside. I slid it just an inch and do you know what came scurrying out? Yep, a big, juicy spider! Why?! It's February! In my clean basement! On a random, top clean bin! NO! (Insert shiver.)
I've been doing some research because I would prefer to do this naturally. I am supposed to keep brush trimmed away from the outside of our house-DONE! Vacuum regularly, especially cleaning up webs-DONE! Spray essential oils--like lemon oil--around the perimeter of the spaces that I don't want spiders--That's my project for the week. My house is going to smell like one big lemon! :)
And I would love to post pictures of both the yummy dumplings and the bins (minus any spiders), but it seems that our one and only half-way operating camera is quite lost. I hear that perhaps tomorrow I might find a new one on my doorstep. :)
And if I did have a camera, I would most definitely have to post pictures from my morning. Because...This morning my sweet friends had a surprise baby shower for us--how cool is that? Thank you, friends, for all of the gifts and for being there--it means more than you know... Can't wait to start using everything! ;) Love you guys! :)
(Also, I've been working on a short "video" of this part of the journey--It will be posted tomorrow. :)